Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Touch of the Masters Hand

The Touch of the Master’s Hand

‘Twas battered and scared, and the auctioneer
Thought it scarcely worth his while
To waste much time on the old violin,
But he held it up with a smile.
“What am I bidden, good folks,” he cried,
“Who’ll start the bidding for me?”
“A dollar, a dollar”; then “Two! Only two?
Two dollars, and who’ll make it three?

“Three dollars, once; three dollars, twice;
Going for three-” But no,
From the room, far back, a gray-haired man
Came forward and picked up the bow;
Then, wiping the dust from the old violin,
And tightening the loose strings,
He played a melody pure and sweet
As a caroling angel sings.

The music ceased, and the auctioneer,
With a voice that was quiet and low,
Said, “Now what am I bid for the old violin?”
And he held it up with the bow.
“A thousand dollars, and who’ll make it two?
Two thousand! And who’ll make it three?
Three thousand, once, three thousand, twice,
And going, and gone,” said he.
The people cheered, but some of them cried:
“We do not quite understand.
What changed its worth?” The man replied:
“The touch of the master’s hand.”

A many a man with life out of tune,
Tis battered and scarred with sin,
Is auctioned cheap to the thoughtless crowd,
Much like the old violin.
A “mess of pottage,” a glass of wine;
A game-and he travels on.
He is “going” once, and “going” twice,
He’s “going” and almost “gone.”
But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that’s wrought
By the touch of the Master’s hand.

-Myra Brooks Welch

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Like a Dog

Have you ever heard of the man who got lost so he stopped at a farm and asked the farmer for directions? And when he got out of the car a blue tick hound on the front porch howls. The man tries to shout above the noise but could hardly hear the farmer. Finally he says to the farmer, 'WHAT is wrong with your dog???' And the farmer replies, 'Oh, never mind him, he's laying on a nail.' The man, amazed, asked 'why doesn't he just get up?' To which the farmer replies, 'Well,it hurts bad enough to complain about it but not bad enough to move'!!
This was funny but when I got to thinking...
 'Oops,to often that sounds like me'! 
So the next time I feel like complaining I will just 'get off the nail'! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Am I a Blue Crab?

I have read and have heard that when one blue crab is caught the fisherman must have a lid on the basket. But once he has two or three he no longer needs a lid as the crabs that are already in the basket will reach out and pull down any of the other crabs that try to escape!
I took a moment to reflect on that! Am I a Blue Crab? Yikes! I hope not! When a friend or family member has a dream or aspiration, do I encourage them in their dream or do I tell them all the 'horror' stories I've heard and the things that might happen to them?
When my son dreams of being a missionary pilot do I say, 'you can do it' or do I say, 'but... planes crash!'?
When my daughter wants to be a nurse do I say,'you can do it' or 'but... all the blood,sweat, and tears!'?
Much better to encourage than to discourage so I am off to improve in this area! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

FOOD for thought

Saying, 'I've been a failure all week
and I'm discouraged and unsociable so
 I'll just stay home from church today and relax' 
is like saying
 'I've skipped breakfast and lunch so
 I'll just go ahead and skip dinner too'. 

Its not always easy to keep from being overwhelmed because of the 'cares of life'! Sometimes we need help! Sometimes we need to read or listen to the Word of our Lord! :) Sometimes we need a book to help us in our relationship with our spouse! Sometimes we need a book or cd to help us cope with our kids! Sometimes we just need encouragement in being the best women we can be! But most of all we need time with fellow Christians at a dedicated place of worship on our 'Sunday'.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Gramma's Fine Granola

4 cups quick oats
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 to 1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup soft butter

Mix well and toast in 375* oven stirring often,
 (every 5 min or so) till browned


If you like a more coarse cereal, I found a good link here for some wonderful stuff! :)
Check it out.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Peach Torte

Its peach season. (Or the end of it.) And a lot of us have peaches that are needing to be used (like yesterday). So lets make them into Peach Torte. A treat your family won't soon forget!!
Peach Torte


3 egg whites
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup finely crushed soda crackers
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup nuts
1 tsp vanilla

Gather ingredients. Separate eggs. Crush crackers. 
Chop nuts.

Whisk eggs til frothy.
 Add sugar one spoonful at a time.

Beat til stiff peaks form.
They will likely string out because of the sugar...

Make a well in whites. Add all other ingredients and fold in.

Pour into greased 10inch pie pan. Spread evenly.

Bake @ 325* for about 20 min or until lightly browned.

Puffed and baked.
 You need a spoon, baking spray or butter and hot mat.

Press the crust into pie shape. Cool completely. Chill.


5-6 peaches (good and ripe)
2 cups Cool Whip

Peel and chop peaches. Mix with Cool Whip. 
Fill Crust.
Chill at least 1 hr.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Find Happiness

Everybody, everywhere,
seeks happiness, it's true,
But finding it and keeping it 
seems difficult to do.
Difficult because we think 
that happiness is found
Only in the places where
wealth and fame abound-
And so we go on searching
in "palaces of pleasure"
Seeking recognition 
and monetary treasure.
Unaware that happiness 
is "just a state of mind"
Within the reach of everyone
who takes time to be kind,
For in making others happy
we will be happy too.
Cause the happiness you give away
Returns to "shine on you"!
      Helen Steiner Rice

Friday, August 5, 2011

Daily Quote

One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
André Gide

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is My Fish To Big?

I recently heard a story of a man who sat on the river bank; poor, hungry, and fishing. 
Just up the bank from him was a boy, watching him.
 This man was catching fish, BIG fish, but every time he caught one he would throw it back!
Finally the boy asked him why he was throwing them back!? 
The man replied, 'Because my frying pan is to small for these fish.'

I thought ,Oh My Goodness!!! That is just like me! 
So often I, as a wife and mom, know that I can 'catch the big fish' but because the situation isn't perfect I either don't keep them or I don't fish!
For example, "I can't cook dinner because the stove top only has one burner". (It does for real. LOL).
 How about staring earlier and using the crockpot and microwave? Or oven...
Or I can't organize the closet cause I can't afford an organizer. 
Hummm, How about cute cardboard boxes from Dollar General (they are free;out behind)?
Let the children decorate them with reused wrapping paper,etc.
So this story taught me alot! 
Hope you enjoyed it too!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ground Cherry Pie

Shell and wash the ground cherries. (I had a walmart bag full)

Create pie crust using 1 cup flour, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt. Cut in 1/3 cup shortening.
Sprinkle about 3 tbsp ice water and 1 tbsp vinegar over mix. 
Toss with fork to form dough ball.

Roll out just big enough to fit pie pan.

Crimp edges or press with fork.

Put 2 1/2 cups ground cherries in crust. Mix 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1 tbsp flour.
Sprinkle over cherries.

Sprinkle with 2 tbsp water. 
Mix 3 tbsp flour, 3 tbsp sugar, and 2 tbsp butter til crumbly. 
Spread over all. 

Cover edges of pie.
Bake in preheated oven @ 425* for 15 min. 
Reduce heat to 375* and bake another 25 to 30 minutes.

Enjoy your pie! 

We plan to eat ours tomorrow.

Quote of the Day

‎"People are NEVER meant to be tasks.
 Don't get so busy serving your Family/Team/Church that you don't spend time with them." 
--Laurie Woodward

Defrosting the Freezer

My freezer was in desperate need of defrosting so one day I took the plunge and cleaned it.

Chad and 'Shiny' helped me. We took all the stuff out and put it in coolers. Meanwhile I boiled some large kettles of water and unplugged the freezer. We set a kettle in the freezer on the middle shelf and shut the door. We laid towels around it on the floor and gathered up rags and buckets. After the steam did its work we traded kettles and shut the door again. In a short amount of time the freezer was clean!! (=

Wow! What a great feeling.
How often DOES one defrost a freezer???

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hornet sting and Apple Cider Vinegar

I am chuckling to myself... (= And here is why...
 Tonight Steve and Chad were building a little storage barn for me; and my 'Shiny' and I were mowing the lawn. Suddenly I noticed Steve yelling and waving at me and Chad dancing about, SCREAMING at the top of his lungs! I cut the motor and quickly ran to them. Steve meanwhile called out that Chad had stepped on a black and yellow hornet! I didn't stop but rushed Chad to the house, into the kitchen and sat him on the nearest chair. I  quickly grabbed the apple cider vinegar and a bowl . Putting his foot into the bowl I poured the vinegar over it till there was about 2 inches in the bowl. (Much less will work very well, too. And gauze pads are wonderful for this.I'm just out right now.)
 He almost instantly stopped crying and said it was very cooling. Since he was quickly getting bored I told him he could move to the porch. So he picked up the bowl, moved outside AND PUT THE WRONG FOOT BACK IN THE BOWL!!! :D Then he was confused and couldn't decide where he had been stung! Anyway the pain was completely gone and the swelling never happened.
 This is quite funny since Steve saw the hornet and killed it! (Can you imagine not knowing where you had been stung minutes after it happened?)
 I always use apple cider vinegar on stings and find that there is very little pain and often no swelling!
(I'm sure this has not been approved by the FDA)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bed in Summer

Tonight I told my little girl it was time to go to bed. She looked shocked, pointed at the window and said, 'It still daytime'!
That reminded me of when I was little and had to go to bed when it was still light outside. I would, of course, complain and then my mom would recite this poem. 

In winter I get up at night 
And dress by yellow candle-light. 
In summer quite the other way, 
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see 
The birds still hopping on the tree, 
Or hear the grown-up people's feet 
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you, 
When all the sky is clear and blue, 
And I should like so much to play, 
To have to go to bed by day?

Robert Louis Stevenson

I always liked to hear it! She would say it cheerfully with lots of animation.  
So now I get to say it to my little girl! (=

Decided to set me blog up so I can text to it! (:

The Kids Bedroom

My sister lived with us for awhile and while she lived here she had the kids room. They slept in the living room or in our bed! :/ After she got married and moved out,Steve decided to redecorate the room to give the kids incentive to use it ! (= (instead of ours) 

We started out with this (sorry, the lighting is poor)

The room has two windows...

a closet...

and canning shelves! (=

 Steve mixed the colors and painted while I helped tape and whatever else was needed. He mixed blue and pink.

Blue on the top (for the boy) and pink on the bottom (for the girl)
The border was his genius! (=

The children wanted to help SO bad so we got the idea to let them put their hand prints on the little wall.

 What a lot of fun it was! (=

This was very simple, fairly cheap and fun! We got one gallon semigloss white paint plus red and blue acrylic craft paints (to mix the colors) and painted the whole room for less the $20.
Those little things of craft paints are awesome cause now we have white paint left for our room too! (=