Monday, July 11, 2011

Of Roofs and Noses

 Saturday afternoon and evening we attended a Leadership Conference. During the seminar the speaker told of how when they first married they were quite poor. Recently they were much better set as far as money went and decided to sell the house they lived in and buy something bigger and nicer.
  But... THE DAY they were to have the place appraised, it rained.... And the roof LEAKED. It leaked so bad the wife had to go over to the neighbors and borrow more pots and pans. They were so sad and wondered "Why,God?? Why now? Just when we were ready to sell it?"
 They called a Roofer to come out and have a look. He came and when he was done he sat down with them and told them he does not understand this at all! He said 'your roof should have been leaking for 11 yrs! It has no tar paper, NO leak guard AT ALL!' Then they understood that God had been looking over them all those yrs when they were to poor to afford a roof change.
 As I sat through that story my mind went on a journey in my own life. We had moved about 3 yrs ago and since then had been (in America) poor. I know that's not the same as really truly poor. But anyway we often didn't even have money for food and twice had a repo issued on our house. Steve so often either didn't have work or had low paying jobs.
 Anyway this summer we were finally using the wisdom we learned at these seminars and a little better paying job and were 'getting to our knees'. And then suddenly our little girl got terribly sick! She had a tick bite on the calf of her leg behind the knee that the Dr felt was tick fever. And in that bite she developed staff infection. The Staff was scary as it would not respond to the medicines. It just kept spreading and spreading. I took her to the Dr and he gave her different doses of medications and said if that doesn't help they will have to hospitalize her. I went home just heartbroken. (ALL these Dr bills and now THIS???) But we gave her the medicines... And prayed! And God healed her. The morning we were to go back I got up and looked at her leg and the stuff had spread. Way out of the lines the Dr had drawn on her to indicate where it must not go! Then about 2 hrs before we were to leave it started going down! Just like Someone had stuck a pin in it! The swelling went down (WAY down) and the rash faded! By the time we got to the Drs Office it looked almost normal! Praise the Lord!! 
 But I was still struggling with the "why NOW,Lord???" Just when we were maybe seeing a light at the end of the tunnel? 
Then the Dr asked if any of us has had a problem with crusty sores on the nose that itch and don't want to heal? I said "YES,I have had that for 3 yrs now and its SO frustrating! What is it???" And he said that I am the carrier of the staff infection! He gave antibiotic ointment and instructions on treatment! 
 Then I realized... for 3 long very poor yrs, God had His Hand over my loved ones protecting them from this awful disease!
 What a Mighty God we serve!!
 Have a wonderful and blessed day!