I love writing. And I love inspiring others without making them feel like they have to do whatever I am doing! That is why I mostly just tell my story.
My story starts out with multiple health issues. And 80 lbs overweight. I was raised in a Mennonite home filled with yummy Southern Cookin. My mom is a fabulous cook, well known for her amazing cooking!
When I was still in grade school, I was laughed at for being 'fat'. Looking at pictures now, I really wasn't fat but very slightly chubby. I really believe my health problems started then, tho, because I would starve myself, then binge.
As a teenager I was skinny but 'sick as all git out'. I got Lyme's Disease from a tick bite. Then IBS from all the medications I took for that. From there I had appendicitis. I still had the IBS and I became Lactose intolerant. I had Chronic Fatigue, and something else that my Dr never did diagnose; a Chronic muscle pain. Then I got Vitiligo which was diagnosed as an autoimmune disease. While I was Doctoring for all this , we discovered that I had a swollen thyroid. Meanwhile I got pregnant and this Thyroid swelled and choked me. So after my baby boy was born, I had surgery and removed 1/3 of the Thyroid.
We still lived in the Mennonite Community that I was raised in (from age 12 and up). We were not allowed (by the church) to have Internet so I was clueless and just did whatever my Dr told me. Since tho, my husband and I moved to a new home. We now have the Internet and all the info that comes with it.
During my two live birth pregnancies I gained 80 lbs! :( In the 10 years of our marriage I have had 4 miscarriages and recently one that I am fairly certain was a miscarriage but I had no positive test or doctoring done with it. It just seems like I am not healthy enough to carry a baby...
I have started seriously researching all the problems I have and have pretty much figured out that a lot of my issues come from our diet!
So I started blogging my journey because it keeps me on track! And I love to write. :) It helps to know that others are reading my story and hopefully being inspired through it.
I am a homeschooling Mom of 2 and I am married to the man of my dreams! My marriage is not perfect but it is growing in the Lord and that is what counts!
You go, girl! Keep it up. There are answers to all of life's problems and through Jesus we can find them! Remember what you told me about praying three times a day when you need answers? I've tried it and you DO begin to get somewhere!!