Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Dad ~ Lloyd Troyer

Perhaps some have wondered why I haven't blogged for awhile. :) Well, to tell the truth I have found it hard to keep my mind on that part of my life. In December my Mom called me to tell me Dad was sick with a cough and cold and he wasn't sleeping well so she was going to take him to the Dr. The Dr gave meds for his cold but it just got worse so two weeks later she took him back. That time the Dr gave meds for some other issues such as pain, sores on his tongue, in his mouth and on his cheeks. A week later she took him in again and they said he had pneumonia. So they gave him meds for that. After a couple of weeks the cough was worse and he couldn't swallow. They told the Dr this but he said he would give him steroids that should help. It did a little but Dad just kept getting worse. His head flopped forward and he lost the use of one of his hands. He started choking on everything. We had a family reunion planned the last week in Jan but two days before we left to travel in Mom called and said she was taking Dad to the ER. A couple of hrs later she called to say he was in the hospital. So we all went in there but we gathered at the hospital instead of at home. He lost his voice and the use of his other hand. He was just getting worse and worse and the Drs were testing, testing, testing and still we didn't know anything.  The family all went home and then the Drs told Mom they needed to do surgery for a mass that they found in his stomach. AND they said he had one on his lungs. They said they figured it was cancer but wouldn't know until they got it out. So they did the surgery. Except while they were getting the orange sized mass out of his stomach he had a heart attack so they stopped with that mass and left the one on his lungs. After the surgery he went into ICU for a couple of days. Then they decided he needed to be switched to another hospital. So..  They moved him three hrs from home!! Mom called me and asked if I would be willing to come stay with Dad for awhile. So I went in there for three weeks! That is a story all of its own! ;) Dad got a little better but still was just so weak and on oxygen and in a lot of pain.  He was in a room of his own until one morning they could NOT wake him up. They rushed him up to ICU and put him on forced air. He revived after about 9 hrs. The Drs were SO confused and finally told us they have reached their limits and there is really nothing more they can do! But God has been merciful and Dad has been getting lowly better. He is home now (FINALLY) and mostly off the oxygen. The Drs all say he needs that mass to come off of his lungs, so they are trying to get him better;stronger enough to stand surgery...
This is my Dad (left) and 'Jim' just before Dad got sick. 

Christmas :)

Before surgery at the 1st hospital with grandson :)

Our whole family at my sisters wedding in June. :)
 We love our Dad! Please help us pray that he will get well again. 