Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Genshai (GEN~shy) means to never treat another in such a way as to make them feel small. Hmmm, new word to me! And do I use it in my daily life? Not the word but the meaning of the word!?
 It would be offering my child a glass of water,stooping to his level and offering with love and a smile, when he asks for it. It is similar to the word Charity but is Charity done with love and respect.
 It is believing that we are all brothers (regardless of race or age,created by the same God) and acting on that.
 We can serve others,that's what life is all about, but do we treat ourselves with respect? I must respect myself before I can respect others! The way I feel about myself will tell in the way I treat others!
 Note to self; Genshai has no part of selfishness in it!
 Live, LOVE and be blessed!