Friday, July 22, 2011

Hornet sting and Apple Cider Vinegar

I am chuckling to myself... (= And here is why...
 Tonight Steve and Chad were building a little storage barn for me; and my 'Shiny' and I were mowing the lawn. Suddenly I noticed Steve yelling and waving at me and Chad dancing about, SCREAMING at the top of his lungs! I cut the motor and quickly ran to them. Steve meanwhile called out that Chad had stepped on a black and yellow hornet! I didn't stop but rushed Chad to the house, into the kitchen and sat him on the nearest chair. I  quickly grabbed the apple cider vinegar and a bowl . Putting his foot into the bowl I poured the vinegar over it till there was about 2 inches in the bowl. (Much less will work very well, too. And gauze pads are wonderful for this.I'm just out right now.)
 He almost instantly stopped crying and said it was very cooling. Since he was quickly getting bored I told him he could move to the porch. So he picked up the bowl, moved outside AND PUT THE WRONG FOOT BACK IN THE BOWL!!! :D Then he was confused and couldn't decide where he had been stung! Anyway the pain was completely gone and the swelling never happened.
 This is quite funny since Steve saw the hornet and killed it! (Can you imagine not knowing where you had been stung minutes after it happened?)
 I always use apple cider vinegar on stings and find that there is very little pain and often no swelling!
(I'm sure this has not been approved by the FDA)