Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Kids Bedroom

My sister lived with us for awhile and while she lived here she had the kids room. They slept in the living room or in our bed! :/ After she got married and moved out,Steve decided to redecorate the room to give the kids incentive to use it ! (= (instead of ours) 

We started out with this (sorry, the lighting is poor)

The room has two windows...

a closet...

and canning shelves! (=

 Steve mixed the colors and painted while I helped tape and whatever else was needed. He mixed blue and pink.

Blue on the top (for the boy) and pink on the bottom (for the girl)
The border was his genius! (=

The children wanted to help SO bad so we got the idea to let them put their hand prints on the little wall.

 What a lot of fun it was! (=

This was very simple, fairly cheap and fun! We got one gallon semigloss white paint plus red and blue acrylic craft paints (to mix the colors) and painted the whole room for less the $20.
Those little things of craft paints are awesome cause now we have white paint left for our room too! (=

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