Monday, February 25, 2013

To Blog Again! A wellness journey...

 Yay! I FINALLY discovered why I couldn't get to my blog and what to do about it! Blogging with Amy is a good place to find all sorts of answers as to why and how and what! Please check her out! :) At this point I am choosing to stay with Blogger although I am not the happiest camper with them, right now! ;) I don't really know what is my fault and what is theirs tho, so I won't say to much about my unhappiness!
 If you have been to my blog before you probably read that we had a time of sickness with my Dad as he fought and conquered cancer. We praise God daily for His Healing and the strength and knowledge He gave Dad to fight this disease. I spent a lot of time with them last winter when he was in the hospital and then gave my 'baby' sister a place to stay this summer. It's been a long journey and I am glad it is passed!!

Dad at the beach since the cancer. 

 Now we are on a new journey and this one I am hoping to blog about.
 Today's blog will be giving some history and what I am trying to accomplish! :)
  When I was a teenager, my lifestyle caught up with me and my health started a swift and thorough decline. I seemed to catch every 'bug' out there and started with all kinds of other issues. I started doctoring with a medical Dr which lead to lots of antibiotics and medications and more and more problems. I got Lyme's from a tick bite which didn't help anything! I also had an appendectomyThen I got married and four months later, pregnant. My Thyroid was already bad but that pregnancy pushed me over the edge! It SWELLED! And choked me!! So we did surgery, removing 1/3 of the Thyroid. During and after this pregnancy I suddenly seemed to have no control whatsoever over my body and I gained 60lbs in what seemed to me almost overnight! I could eat a cookie or cake and the next three days gain at least 1 lb. I dieted and prayed and kept right on gaining. It was very frustrating and I lost the battle to depression. Deep depression! And utter sickness... Just sick, and no idea why.
 Meanwhile we discovered that something was wrong with my son and that started my very slow journey to regaining my health and his. (more on this below)
 I got pregnant with my daughter and gained 20 lbs during that pregnancy. So I was 80lbs overweight with no clue what to do. I tried SO many things. Nothing worked for long!
 Plus, on top of it all, I was one of those people who declared that I would never have a picky eater! Either they would eat what I put before them or they wouldn't eat. Well, my little girl won't eat. And she gets thinner and thinner and whiter and whiter and suddenly you learn that sometimes you can't control everything!! That was me!
 So NOW, we are off  to 'get healthy'! :D I have learned SO much in this battle but again I am only starting! I am posting some pictures of me when I was at my heaviest and some pictures of my children.

These two pictures (above) are me, 80lbs overweight

 This is me now. I have lost weight but not nearly enough. I am holding my picky eater princess! :)

Drinking Coffee 

Me and mine 

My son! My favorite boy in the world!! :)

We are setting goals and changing our life style even more then I ever have.
 When my son was 2 , I accidentally discovered that what the Dr's were trying to tell me was Autism was really an allergic reaction to Red 40, a very common food dye. That was what started me on this slow journey of a 'wellness' lifestyle in this modern 'sickness' world! 
I am learning how to use the Internet for research and the first thing we will be changing is completely eliminating refined sugar from our diets. This is a 4 month goal. So by the end of June I want to have completely switched from using refined sugars to using honey and unrefined sugar. Plus we have a goal to wrap up our sugar intake to occasional rather then normal! That means desserts once in awhile NOT every meal! And no sugary stuff for breakfast anymore! :)
 Wish us luck! ;) 
 Blessing to all!!!