Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pan fish Creole

Pan fish (Blue gill, Crappie, ect) are a wonderful part of summer. There are the fun times catching them and lots of ways to fix them. This is one of our favorites! 
The recipe calls for 
1/4 cup each  chopped onion, celery, and green pepper
1 cup diced tomatoes
Pinch of dried parsley flakes
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp olive oil
3/4 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 tsp salt, more or less to taste
1/2 tsp each dried basil, oregano, and thyme
1/8 tsp each red, black and white pepper
Dash Paprika
1 lb pan fish fillets

Gather ingredients. 

Drizzle oil in skillet and add veggies and garlic. 
Fry about 5 minutes.

Spread the fillets in a 9x13

Add tomato paste, 

seasonings, broth, and diced tomatoes.

Bring to a simmer and 
cook for about 5 minutes more.

Spread veggies over fillets and cover tightly with foil.

Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
Remove cover and flake fish. 
Stir lightly.

Serve over hot rice! :)

I freeze chopped veggies, chicken broth and tomato paste in the correct amounts and then I always have the stuff on hand and it doesn't waste, like the leftover tomato paste, etc. I also use minced garlic canned in olive oil for quick and easy, and length of storage.
Steve and I like to use Creole Seasoning on this to spice it up while the kids enjoy it the way it is! :)
This is not very spicy so if you like it hot, add red pepper flakes and use one small can of Rotel instead of the diced tomatoes.
But beware!!! Its hot that way! 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Little Brown Mouse

Today as my kids and I were cleaning up I was reminded of a story I loved when I was a little girl.
I would sit on my Gramma's lap and listen as she read. It was one of my favorites and I chose it over and over. She read with great expression, too! 
Maybe that is why it helped me so much, later on in life...? 
The lesson stuck anyway.
I want to share it with ya'll. It might not be exactly right but it is as I remember it and you will get the point, I think! :)

 The Little Brown Mouse

The little brown mouse with a little brown dress loved to dance and she loved red!! She danced to bed at night and danced out of bed in the morning. [Without coffee???? Wow, she is amazing] She danced through the streets to market and she danced home again. She only stopped to eat her lunch and dinner! 
She didn't clean and she certainly DIDN'T sweep the floor!
But one day Grandma Mouse stopped by for a visit! She was beautiful and wise and VERY clean! She did not sit down because Little Brown Mouse only had one chair and it was piled high with 'stuff' and was very dusty. Grandma Mouse ran her finger over the chair and said softly,'Why Little Brown Mouse, you should clean first and then dance in a clean house!'
But after Grandma Mouse left did Little Brown Mouse listen? 
 She said to herself;
'Tomorrow, I will clean and scrub 
all day in the house,
 But today I will dance 
 like a Little Brown Mouse!'
And she danced out of the house and down the street to market. On the way there she passed the Dress Maker's Shop and there in the window was the most beautiful red dress the Little Brown Mouse had ever seen!

She stopped and looked at the dress. Then she said to herself, 'I MUST have that dress!' So she went in and bought it. They wrapped it up real pretty and she danced all the way home with the package under her arm. 
At home she took the dress carefully from the box and slipped it on. It was perfect! Twirling and spinning and skipping, she danced all day. That night she put it carefully in the box and went to bed.
In the morning she awoke and slipped the beautiful red dress on.
 It was SO beautiful she said to herself, 
'I can't scrub the house in this dress so I will go to Market first'.
 So she danced out the door and down the street. On the way to market she went past the Florist and there in the window she saw a beautiful Red Rose Hair Clip.

She stopped to look at that hair clip. Then she said to herself 
'I MUST have that Hair Clip!' 
So she went in and bought it!
 With the rose in her hair the Little Brown Mouse danced all the way home, stopping often to admire herself in the windows. At home she forgot about cleaning and danced the day away. 
And Pretty, Wise Grandma Mouse stopped by again.
She didn't stay. Sadly she ran her finger over the table and said softly,
 'Little Brown Mouse NEEDS to clean her house!'
But the Little Brown Mouse said to herself, 
'Tomorrow, I will clean and scrub 
all day in the house,
 But today I will dance 
 like a Little Brown Mouse!'
So she danced the day away.
The next morning the Little Brown Mouse awoke and clipped the Red Rose in her hair. She slipped on the pretty red dress and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she said to herself, 'I am to pretty to scrub my house,so instead I will go to Market first'.

So she danced down the street to Market. 
On the way she passed the Shoe Makers Shop and there in the window she saw a sparkling pair of red shoes

She stopped and looked at those shoes. Then she said to herself 'I MUST have those shoes'!! So she went in and bought those beautiful red shoes! 
She danced all the way home! And she danced till dinner and she danced afterward. She danced far into the night. Finally she changed into her nightie and crashed into her bed! 
In the morning the sun came in and woke the Little Brown Mouse. She sat on the edge of her bed tired and yawning. Then she saw her dress!! It was covered with dust! So was the rose. And her shoes were kicked off under the table and they looked terrible. 
The little Brown Mouse got up, dressed in her brown dress. She picked up her Red Dress, shook off the dust and hung it in her closet, then she blew off the rose and put it in its box. She cleaned her shoes and set them in her closet. 
And then she filled a bucket with hot, soapy water and with a rag she scrubbed her house til it shone! 
 Then she put on her red dress, her red shoes and her red rose and she went dancing about the house singing,
 'Its better to rub and scrub
 all day in the house
 and dance at NIGHT
 like a Little Brown Mouse!'

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Dad ~ Lloyd Troyer

Perhaps some have wondered why I haven't blogged for awhile. :) Well, to tell the truth I have found it hard to keep my mind on that part of my life. In December my Mom called me to tell me Dad was sick with a cough and cold and he wasn't sleeping well so she was going to take him to the Dr. The Dr gave meds for his cold but it just got worse so two weeks later she took him back. That time the Dr gave meds for some other issues such as pain, sores on his tongue, in his mouth and on his cheeks. A week later she took him in again and they said he had pneumonia. So they gave him meds for that. After a couple of weeks the cough was worse and he couldn't swallow. They told the Dr this but he said he would give him steroids that should help. It did a little but Dad just kept getting worse. His head flopped forward and he lost the use of one of his hands. He started choking on everything. We had a family reunion planned the last week in Jan but two days before we left to travel in Mom called and said she was taking Dad to the ER. A couple of hrs later she called to say he was in the hospital. So we all went in there but we gathered at the hospital instead of at home. He lost his voice and the use of his other hand. He was just getting worse and worse and the Drs were testing, testing, testing and still we didn't know anything.  The family all went home and then the Drs told Mom they needed to do surgery for a mass that they found in his stomach. AND they said he had one on his lungs. They said they figured it was cancer but wouldn't know until they got it out. So they did the surgery. Except while they were getting the orange sized mass out of his stomach he had a heart attack so they stopped with that mass and left the one on his lungs. After the surgery he went into ICU for a couple of days. Then they decided he needed to be switched to another hospital. So..  They moved him three hrs from home!! Mom called me and asked if I would be willing to come stay with Dad for awhile. So I went in there for three weeks! That is a story all of its own! ;) Dad got a little better but still was just so weak and on oxygen and in a lot of pain.  He was in a room of his own until one morning they could NOT wake him up. They rushed him up to ICU and put him on forced air. He revived after about 9 hrs. The Drs were SO confused and finally told us they have reached their limits and there is really nothing more they can do! But God has been merciful and Dad has been getting lowly better. He is home now (FINALLY) and mostly off the oxygen. The Drs all say he needs that mass to come off of his lungs, so they are trying to get him better;stronger enough to stand surgery...
This is my Dad (left) and 'Jim' just before Dad got sick. 

Christmas :)

Before surgery at the 1st hospital with grandson :)

Our whole family at my sisters wedding in June. :)
 We love our Dad! Please help us pray that he will get well again. 